Monday 17 December 2012

2012 Slammy Awards Predictions

   With another year almost in the books its time once again award season in the WWE. Now many argue that 'the Slammy’s' are a waste of time, and I personally believe they never reflect a full years worth in the WWE but rather the last two months. That being said I personally love the idea of Slammy Awards, it allows wrestlers another 'title' to chase, for those who have "no where else to go" I many Slammy's have YOU won?

The Slammy Awards are:

Superstar of the Year
Newcomer of the Year
Comeback of the Year
Kiss of the Year
"Tell me I did NOT just see that" – (The Most Shocking Moment of the Year)
LOL Moment of the Year
Match of the Year

   Oddly, one can notice that there are NO NOMINEES which of course accomplishes two things: 1) Kills any possible hype for the event. Every award show worth a damn knows the nominee's are an essential tool in building interest in the event. 2) Shows that the WWE doesn't know what its doing. The WWE books day-by-day events and focus's on what’s 'trending'. This is why they've ignored any type of tradition they established in years before and why they see planning in advance is a hindrance.

Without further adieu let’s get on with the no particular order...

Match of the Year

Who will win: HHH vs. Undertaker (Wrestlemania 29)
My Pick: Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus (Extreme Rules 2012) -> Watch it here! 

This match was the creative decision to make-up for Bryan and Sheamus lack-luster 'Wrestlemania moment' and did they ever make up for it. A great match bell-to-bell. I was most impressed with how dangerous Sheamus made the smaller Bryan look. The moment that stuck out for me the most was after the 2nd fall, Sheamus was being checked by medics and Bryan had total command over the audience, getting them chanting frenzy, you knew that in the ring were two future legends. This moment stands out because the pause between the 2nd and 3rd fall was so long that had it been anyone else the audience would have been taking the break to the washroom.

This match also put WWE on notice to somehow control the 'Yes' chants before they became the new 'What?' chants. Thus given birth to the WWE-made 'No' chants and 'Goat-face' thing.

"Tell me I did NOT just see that" - (The Most Shocking Moment of the Year) (previously know as the OMG moment of the year)

Who Will Win: AJ pushing Cena's ladder (TLC 2012) 
My Pick: John Cena vs. Laurinaitis (Over the Limit 2012) 
Why did this match happen?

This is most topical moment for the WWE's top face and a great way to continue the story between Cena, AJ, Vickie and Dolph, so don't be surprised when it wins the Slammy and is appropriately followed by....

"Kiss of the Year"

Who WILL win: AJ Lee and John Cena.

My pick: Eve Mendes and Zack Ryder

As much as I love Zack Ryder and felt that his work with Eve at the beginning of the year was fantastic and their kiss was definitely a milestone but Cena and Aj will pick this one up. I can see Cena and AJ accepting these two last Slammy Awards in succession in order to successfully add to the 'drama' of their storyline. Kids like drama. 


My Pick: Paul Heyman
Who WILL win: Jerry Lawler. (And I have no problem with this)

Who says that a wrestler should win this award? The best comeback without a doubt has been Paul Heyman. Either with his work with Brock Lesnar, CM Punk, Brad Maddox, Triple H or the Shield he as effectively swayed the audience to choose a side and with a handful of other people in the WWE has made wrestling interesting again.

But Jerry Lawler will win this award because he "came back" from a freaking' heart attack! No one in their right mind could ignore the significance Lawler has in the WWE and how lucky we are all to have him still with us.


Who WILL Win: Ryback

My Pick: Damien Sandow

This award WILL go to Ryback. No doubt about that as WWE plans to captapult him further into the WWE title picture after Wrestlemania and due to his losses lately a gold award telling people he's important will have to do. I would give it to Sandow due to sheer effectiveness in the ring. WWE wants the audience to LOVE Ryback and its a polarizing feeling, while WWE also wants the audience to hate Damien Sandow and it works. Both have had the typical winning streaks that come with newcomers, but with Sandows work in revitalizing the tag-team division and saving Cody Rhodes' post-mask slip into obscurity, he is my breakout star.

But Ryback will win.


My Pick: CM PUNK
Who Will win: CM PUNK.

This award was invented so that Heels could win it. Having it helps them build more heat heading into the next PPV. In this case a Royal Rumble clash with the biggest face the company has. With a title reign that has lasted the whole year CM Punk wins this easily. Accepting the award also gives CM Punk some screen time on RAW and also something to add onto his accomplishments. 

It would be even better if The Rock were the one presenting the award.

LOL moment of the year:

My Pick: The Cobra VERSUS Mr. Sock-o (Royal Rumble 2012)

If you believe anything in the history of WWE was more funny than this moment then YOU ARE WRONG. It was comedic gold in its set-up, performance and how logical it was in its absurdity.

Who will win: Bending the Rules w/ Edge.....

There is no hope.

Sunday 9 December 2012

The Rock vs. John Cena II: Twice in a lifetime?

  WWE always puts on a WrestleMania they want to see because like it or not (and despite TNA, ROH and even WWE’s efforts) WrestleMania marks the start of a new era in the business. In the world of wrestling WrestleMania is its New Years Eve. This year I am excited for this years WrestleMania main event because I believe it will be a combination of what the WWE creative want (what they deem best for us, the audience) and a what the hardcore wrestling fans have been clamoring for two years.

  The Rock vs. John Cena II (both guys WWE has a boner for) in a WWE and WORLD title unification match.

"The road to WM29 begins at TLC."

  Since the misguided concept of the RAW: Super show was introduced, having two world titles (and two mid-card titles for that matter) has been confusingly pointless. Having two world titles made sense because there were two shows with no crossover. Nowadays everyone is on both shows! So why have so many champions? You can’t throw a brick in the WWE without randomly killing one of their champions.

  Lets talk Road to WrestleMania.

What SHOULD Happen:

"John Cena Vs Dolph Ziggler. WWE TLC December 16, 2012"

   At WWE’s December PPV TLC, John Cena will defeat Dolph Ziggler. This might make Ziggler fans angry but wrestling with John Cena is greater then winning a world championship any day of the week. Why do you think CM Punk choose to be heel? He couldn’t compete with John Cena’s influence in the WWE. In fact, wrestling with John Cena is the 2nd biggest achievement you can have in wrestling today, following actually being John Cena respectfully. Ziggler even makes the same argument here.

"CM Punk's always has a knee for the Rock to cry on"

   A month later at WWE’s Royal Rumble The Rock will beat CM Punk. Why? Dwayne Johnson’s vacation from movies will always be top priority in WWE. Why did you think CM Punk wasn’t inserted into WrestleMania 28’s main event? Despite the 2011’s Summer of Punk that catapulted CM Punk’s popularity WWE refused to change their WrestleMania plans, it was always going to be Cena Vs Rocky. Oh, and guess what? Later in the Royal Rumble card John Cena will CASH his money in the bank contract and WIN the WORLD HEAVEYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP. Having Big Show as champion make sense, eh?

  Then at WreslteMania, we will have The Rock versus John Cena II for title unification. One Champion. One Match. And the two “best in the world.” (Three if CM punk wins a certain Royal Rumble match).

How WWE will Drop the ball:

  I don’t know how WWE will mess this one up. Dolph losing his briefcase sets up a break-up between him and Vickie. Dolph could then turn face/tweener and have a Stone Cold-esque storyline where he feuds against Vickie. It will make a splash and will make for good weekly TV.

  But….WWE will drop the ball. Definitely. 100%. My prediction is that Ziggler wins with the assistance of outside interference. Maybe Brad Maddox? That way Vickie will give Maddox that WWE contract he wants so badly. Or whatever. Ziggler winning will serve this match’s two-fold intended purpose by simply continuing Dolph continuation as a main event heel, and killing time for John Cena as he prepares for another Royal Rumble win.

  Oh, and John Cena’s 2013 Royal Rumble win will lead to a WreslteMania meeting against the Rock in the WWE title match and not in a title unification match.



"The Brad Maddox Experience is not Z! True Long Island Story"

  Speaking of Brad Maddox. I would LOVE it if he came out, interfered in the match and stole Ziggler’s MitB Briefcase. Who needs a WWE contract when you have a world title match contract?

  Might feel like a cheat for the fans, but it would be Awesome.

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comment below if you agree, disagree or hate me. Do it! I want to hear what you have to say.